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  • Base Inspired Travels – YouTube Channel

In addition to producing some videos, we designed the logo and gadgets to promote the channel.

Logo and video editing of Base Inspired Travels, the largest YouTube channel about B.A.S.E. jumping and travels.

Extreme Sports, Travel.
Scope of work:

Logo design and animation
Production of gadgets and apparel
Video editing

B.A.S.E. jumping is an extreme form of parachute jumping, performed from fixed objects rather than from aircraft. The acronym B.A.S.E. stands for the four types of objects from which jumps are performed: Building, Antenna, Span (bridge) and Earth (such as a cliff).

This discipline requires not only a great deal of skydiving skill and experience but also exceptional courage and precision. The heights are much shorter than in traditional jumps, limiting the time to open the parachute. These jumps require travelling to different corners of the world, climbing tall structures, antennas, bridges, or cliffs, and exploring the natural surroundings to find the perfect exits. This activity offers a unique opportunity to combine an extreme sport with a love of nature and adventure.

We designed the logo and occasionally produce, record and edit some of the videos featured on the channel

On the occasion of the release of larger videos and summaries of more challenging projects, we also prepare a limited series of clothing items and gadgets to promote the channel (@baseinspiredtravels). Working with Base Inspired Travels has been a wonderful adventure that has taken us to many beautiful places around the world and allowed us to experience them in a unique and incomparable way.

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